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TAIS Workshop

Unlock the Future: Using Generative AI in the Classroom

Tuesday, July 30, 2024   |   8:30am-3:00pm CT
St. Mary's Episcopal School Athletic and Wellness Center, Memphis, TN

How might teachers and leaders embrace the potential and challenges of generative AI to unlock student learning? Through interactive sessions led by experts Stephen Monroe and Marc Watkins, participants will explore the potential and challenges of incorporating generative AI tools into your courses, gain practical skills in critical AI literacy, have hands-on experience with different generative AI tools, and develop strategies to ensure AI is used ethically in your classrooms.

Registration Closed July 22nd.    Learn More

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TAIS Intensive

New and Emerging Leaders Institute 

September 6, 2024 - April 26, 2025   |   Nashville, Tennessee

Our eight-month cohort-based program, comprised of interactive workshops, mentorship, school shadowing visits, keynote sessions, and networking, provides fundamental leadership training specifically designed for new and potential leaders in independent schools. 

Applications for 2024-2025 are closed.  Learn More About NELI

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TAIS Intensive

Human Capital Development: Aligning Compensation to Strategy and Vision

September 10 - October 15, 2024   |   Tuesdays, 8:30-10:00am EDT           
Virtual Meetings

This intensive six-week program is presented by ADVIS (Advancing Independent Schools) and uniquely formatted to support busy school leaders in facing the urgent conversations of compensation and sustainability with intentionality and results. Leaders will explore how different compensation strategies might align with larger school-wide goals of recruiting, retaining, and growing a diverse and talented staff, advancing workforce equity and employee thriving, and ensuring both strategic advancement and organizational sustainability. Join TAIS in this new exploration!

Registration Closed August 27th.  Learn More


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TAIS Workshop

Engaging Various Constituents in Development Work

Tuesday, September 10, 2024   |   9:00am - 1:30pm CT
Nashville, Tennessee

In today's educational landscape, fostering robust relationships with stakeholders is paramount for sustained success and growth. Through this workshop led by experts from Lighthouse Counsel, participants will explore strategies and best practices for cultivating meaningful engagement with each constituency. Through interactive discussions, case studies, and collaborative workshops, attendees will gain invaluable tools for defining key constituencies, engaging those groups through interests and values, and guiding relationships with affiliate groups through policies and procedures.

Registration Closed August 27th.    Learn More

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TAIS Roundtable

Advancement Professionals' Roundtable Series

Starts September 17th  |  Monthly, Tuesdays 9:00am CT / 10:00 am ET
Virtual via Zoom

Facilitated by Dennis Ring, this returning roundtable will create space for advancement, development, and philanthropy professionals to connect over goals and challenges, generate new ideas, and create a circle of trusted colleagues for the long term. Topics will vary and be based in part on the needs and ideas of attendees. Guest facilitators will join each month, adding a layer of expertise and sharpening each conversation.

Registration Ongoing.    Learn More and Register

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Rescheduled! TAIS Intensive

Championship Culture Leadership Cohort

January 2024 - January 2025   |   Nashville, Tennessee and Virtual

A "championship culture" leads to individual flourishing and measurable gains in team performance and student outcomes, but such a culture doesn’t emerge by chance or hope. This year-long program, presented by Trey Education, equips leaders with the frameworks and tools they need to deliberately cultivate the conditions for high-performing teams, faculty groups, and school. Lauren Evans and Meera Shah, both experienced independent school educators and academic leaders, will facilitate this year-long cohort comprised of monthly group development sessions, an in-person workshop, online modules, and optional, personal strategy sessions. 

Registration Closes January 10th.   Learn More and Register


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 TAIS Roundtable

AI in the Classroom Roundtable Series

Starts September 20th  |  Monthly, Fridays 11:30am CT / 12:30pm ET
Virtual via Zoom

Kollin Falk, a middle school teacher at Hutchison School, will facilitate conversations where attendees will find and share AI resources, collaborate on applications, and refine their practices. Emphasizing AI as both a means for student engagement and supportive of instructional design, this roundtable will be inspired by Kollin's extensive classroom practice with AI but shaped around the needs and curiosities of attendees.

Registration Ongoing.    Learn More and Register


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TAIS Mini-Conference

Civil Discourse Mini-Conference with Facing History and Ourselves

Friday, September 27, 2024  |   8:30am - 4:00pm CST
Ensworth School, Nashville, Tennessee

With a Lower School track and a Middle/Upper School track, this mini-conference will feature keynote speaker Liz Kleinrock, expert presentations by Facing History and Ourselves, and TAIS teacher-led workshops. From pedagogical frameworks and historical perspectives to lesson plans, literature recommendations, and conversation guides, attendees will leave this timely mini-conference equipped with practical tools and strategies to implement immediately. 

Registration Closed September 20th.    Learn More

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 TAIS Workshop

Where the Science of Learning Meets the Science of Reading 

October 29, 2024 |  8:30am - 3:00pm CT
Jackson, Tennessee

While the science of reading tells us what is essential for building a reader, the science of learning tells us the conditions that are necessary for learning to thrive and last. In this workshop presented by Collaborative Classroom, participants will learn about the evidence base for the Science of Learning and connect those principles to the components of the Reading Rope.

Registration Closes October 15th.    Learn More and Register

TAIS Annual Conference

Empowering Our Future: Pushing Purpose to Action

Sunday, November 3 - Monday, November 4, 2024
Battle Ground Academy, Franklin, Tennessee

The TAIS Annual Conference is the organization's signature opportunity for educators to grow together. Underpinned by a keynote address from strategist, coach, and experienced independent school leader Mark Boswell, this year's theme serves as an extension of last year's Annual Conference conversations around purpose. A robust slate of featured speakers, practical sessions by Tennessee's own expert teachers, an energizing exhibit hall, and TAIS's uniquely centered networking will lay the groundwork for attendees to push purpose to action. 

Conference Registration Closed September 27th. Heads' Retreat Registration Closes October 18th. Early Bird Discounts Closed August 26th.   Learn More and Register


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TAIS Workshop

Pushing Toward a Thinking Classroom in Mathematics

Monday, November 18, 2024  |  8:30am - 3:00pm CST 
University School of Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee

Leveraging the groundbreaking work of Peter Liljedahl's Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, this workshop will guide teachers through lively discussions, hands-on experiences, and reflective tasks to explore the essence of a Thinking Classroom. Participants will connect Liljedahl's practices to those of Collaborative Learning, Problem-Based Learning, and Mixed Space Practice before distilling those implications down to practice through level-based math tasks. Presented by College Preparatory Mathematics and facilitated by teachers for teachers, attendees will walk away equipped with a toolkit of practical strategies and tasks ready for immediate implementation in your classroom.

Registration Closes November 4th.   Learn More and Register

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TAIS Workshop

Strategies for Success: Implementing and Protecting Human Sexuality Education at Your School

Thursday, November 21, 2024  |  8:30am - 3:00pm CST 
Nashville, Tennessee

Conversations connected to gender and sexual identity, unfortunately, have become increasingly controversial and politicized. More and more, education around human sexuality is plagued by disinformation, pushback, and hostility, often resulting in direct attacks against public and independent schools, as well as individual staff members. Reassuringly, how this pushback -- whether relatively low-key or highly disruptive -- plays out within school communities is most often predictable and can be managed successfully. Facilitated by published expert and long-time independent school educator Deborah Roffman, this workshop will guide participants through the complex dynamics embedded within these conversations. Attendees will acquire proactive and responsive strategies for empowering students, teachers, parents, administrators, and the institution to have productive conversations around human sexuality.

Registration Closes November 7th.  Learn More and Register

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TAIS Workshop

Liquid Expectations: Getting and Keeping a New Breed of Family

With two offerings!
Memphis Workshop: Tuesday, December 10, 2024  |  8:30am - 3:00pm CST
Nashville Workshop: Wednesday, December 11, 2024  |  8:30 - 3:00pm CST

Today's family is different. Generational differences, geographic mobility, and possible implications of school choice in Tennessee are quickly evolving parents' expectations of schools. In this workshop led by field experts at Finalsite, participants will learn how to proactively and strategically identify, meet, and sometimes reset these shifting expectations through marketing and admissions.

Registration Closes November 26th.  Learn More and Register

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Rescheduled! TAIS Intensive

Championship Culture Leadership Cohort

January 2024 - January 2025   |   Nashville, Tennessee and Virtual

A "championship culture" leads to individual flourishing and measurable gains in team performance and student outcomes, but such a culture doesn’t emerge by chance or hope. This year-long program, presented by Trey Education, equips leaders with the frameworks and tools they need to deliberately cultivate the conditions for high-performing teams, faculty groups, and school. Lauren Evans and Meera Shah, both experienced independent school educators and academic leaders, will facilitate this year-long cohort comprised of monthly group development sessions, an in-person workshop, online modules, and optional, personal strategy sessions. 

Registration Closes January 10th.   Learn More and Register